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A Non-Governmental Organization floated out of genuine concern for the needy that deserves as much comfort and happiness in life as any other person.


Humanity Family Foundation for Peace and Development


An enabling

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It is made up of multidisciplinary group of men and women of prominence and distinction in the society.


with equal opportunity and access for all


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Dive into stories of changemakers. Learn how you can stand alongside the marginalized and co-create solutions for a brighter future.


with equal opportunity and access for all

L-R - Mr Henry (ED Program) and Adekemi Adeyeye (ED, Finance)


Humanity Family Foundation for Peace and Development (HUFFPED) is a Non-Governmental Organization floated out of genuine concern for the needy that deserves as much comfort and happiness in life as any other person. It was initiated and established in October 2003. It is made up of multidisciplinary group of men and women of prominence and distinction in the society. Presently, HUFFPED is established in a few States of the Federation such as Borno, Ekiti, Kaduna, Lagos Ondo, Osun and Oyo States to acquire, preserve and disseminate quality information connected with women, youths and children while educating and protecting people in the community in health, HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other related human development issues.


An enabling society with equal opportunity and access for all.


Working with the marginalized to create a positive change within the community.


Pepsico funded WASH project with WaterAid

Kimberly Clark funded WASH project with WaterAid

Accelerating Control of the HIV Epidemic Six(ACE 6) Project

Women Right and Health Project

UNICEF/ Child Protection Network Spotlight Initiative project

Integrated Child Health and Social Services Award (ICHSSA)

Development Partners

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